maanantai 19. maaliskuuta 2012

Sponsoriesittely - Two Peas in a Bucket - Introducing our sponsor

Two Peas in a Bucket perustettiin helmikuussa 1999. "Herneämpäri" on pieni yritys Wisconsinissa, mutta yrityksen käsittelemät skräppäystarvikemäärät eivät missään nimessä ole pieniä. Yrityksen varastossa on tuhansia tuotteita ja sieltä lähetetään tuhansia paketteja 150 maahan viitenä päivänä viikossa. 

Two Peas in a Bucketin kutsumus on tuoda markkinoille uusia ja trendikkäitä skräppäystuotteita. Yrityksellä on myös oma yhteisönsä, jossa käyttäjät voivat jakaa tekemiään töitä, kysyä mieltään askarruttavia kysymyksiä tai ystävystyä muiden samanhenkisten ihmisten kanssa.

Two Peas in a Bucket was created in February of 1999. It's a small company located in Wisconsin, in a warehouse (recently painted 4 different shades of green) housing 1000s of scrapbooking products in two connected spaces. From this space 1000s of packages are shipped to 150 different countries 5 days a week. Each one packed with special wishes for inspiration and creativity with the scrapbooking products.

Two Peas is committed to bringing new and trendy scrapbooking products to the Internet. Patterned paper is still the largest percentage of the Two Peas in a Bucket product inventory, and the majority of this is offered in individual sheets rather than the usual packages offered by larger companies. Two Peas was the first to do this. This is what Two Peas does best.

Two Peas in a Bucket was created with more than just a store in mind. There had to be a place for scrapbookers to post (or share) creations. The Member Gallery is a special spot for people to not only see what others were doing and to learn from them—getting inspiration—but also to share their own accomplishments. A community message board was created to allow people to share their experiences, talk about ideas, and make new friends.

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