tiistai 1. marraskuuta 2011

Opettajia ulkomailta

Nyt voimme sen julkistaa! Teaserista varmaan jotkut jo arvasivatkin, mitä on tapahtumassa. Intohimona Skräppäykseen on saapumassa kaksi opettajaa Alankomaista workshoppeja pitämään. Kyseessä ovat Birgit Koopsen ja Revlie Schuit. Olemme erittäin innoissamme! Kurssitiedot ovat tulossa vielä tämän kuun aikana ja ilmoittautuminen alkaa 1.12.2011.

Now we can announce that this year the fair is going to have two awesome teachers from the Netherlands - Birgit Koopsen and Revlie Schuit. We are so excited! The course infomartions are going to be published later this month. The enrolling starts 1.12.2011.

Birgit Koopsen aloitti skräppäämisen virallisesti esikoisensa ollessa yhden vuoden ikäinen, vaikka hän oli tietämättään harrastanut skräppäystä teini-iästä lähtien. Viimeisen seitsemän vuoden aikana skräppäyksestä on tullut työ Birgitille. Hän pitää kursseja omassa kotistudiossaan, mutta myös kansainvälisillä messuilla. Birgit on Priman kouluttaja ja kuuluu Tattered Angelsin sekä Scrapbook Adhessives by 3L design teameihin. Skräppäyksessä Birgitiä kiinnostaa tekniikoiden moninaisuus sekä muistojen ja jokapäiväisen elämän säilöminen jälkipolville. Birgitin blogi löytyy täältä.

Birgit Koopsen started scrapbooking officially when her youngest child was one year old but actually she’s been doing it since she was a teenager. She has always loved photography and “pimped” her photo albums. She tried several crafts before she started scrapbooking; oil painting, model drawing, sculpting and much more. But after a while she always got bored with using the same technique over and over again. When she found scrapbooking, she was so happy to be able to use whatever technique she wanted! Besides that she loves how scrapbooking keeps all the beautiful memories of special events and everyday life alive. Especially for her children!

In the last 7 years scrapbooking has slowly turned into a job for Birgit. She teaches and demonstrates in her own home studio as well as in scrapbook stores, at (international) scrapbook events and for the Dutch wholesales company Kars. She’s a Prima Endorsed Educator and a Certified Tattered Angels Designer and a Design Team member for Scrapbook Adhesives by 3Ltm.  She also does assignment work for magazines and last year she released her first paper line with Infocrea.

Her style goes from clean and geometric to “busy” layouts with lots of details and colors. Sometimes she loves to "go freestyle" and play with paints and inks and even use non-scrapbooking products. Besides layouts she also loves to make mini albums and altered projects. You can find her latest project in her blog.

Revlie Schuit on alankomaalainen taiteilija ja skräppääjä. Revlie rakastaa värikkäiden minialbumeiden luomista. Töissään hän käyttää perinteisten skräppitarvikkeiden lisäksi kangasta, huopaa ja kirjontaa. Hänen töihinsä pystyy tutustumaan täällä.

Revlie Schuit is an artist and a scrapbooking talent from the Netherlands. She's working hard to come a fulltime creative business owner. She loves to create vibrant and colorful mini albums. In her work she uses fabric, felt and embroidery together with traditional scrapbooking supplies.

Revlie loves to teach other people that they can too be creative. In her opinion everybody is creative in their own unique way. "You just have to let go of the feeling to be perfect (what's perfect anyway?) and give yourself the beauty of creating," she says.

Revlie is also an inspiring blogger giving tutorials to create wonderful projects - you can find her beautiful, colorful blog

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